graphic design – logo design
the sneaker kid – brand Logo
Logo created for the brand, The Sneaker Kid, focused on buying and reselling sneakers, as well as custom designs.

The Sneaker Kid is a brand that buys and resells youth sneakers as well as customizes sneaker accessories. The logo needed to be clean and bold, with a bit of grittiness.The brand is run by a young boy, so keeping it fun and lively was also important.


This brand is run by a boy that goes by little foot, so incorporating that into the logo was very important. The brand is gritty and artistic, so we chose to go with the dripping spraypaint look with the design and the text, adding similar drips to the design element to match the text and bring the design together. Keeping it clean and simple was important to the client as well so we went with a bold design in black and made sure to keep everything very legible.
The Sneaker Kid is a brand with it’s main presence on Instagram. The brand focuses on buying and reselling sneakers, specifically for youth sizes.