graphic design – logo design
RVing In The USA – Show Logo
Logo created for the TV Series, RVing In The USA, about the world surrounding the RV industry within the USA, for professionals and traveleres.

RVing In The USA is a TV show, created to show the aspects of traveling in RVs and why they have become increasingly more popular over the years. Making this logo was about capturing the story and message of the show, while being clean and memorable. We knew the logo would also need to be animated so creating a design that worked well for movement was important.


This logo needed to represent a story and a brand, while having appeal and being cleanly designed. We chose to slant the text to help create motion, as well as gradiating the lines extending from the RV to replicate a motion blur. As a standard logo, it is black but there is a version that is red white and blue to bring in the USA element. We added the RV graphic in the logo, knowing that it would be a great element to be animated.
RVing In The USA is a TV show, making the logo a branding element for anything needed within the show like apparel, as well as any graphical transitions and animations for show bumpers.