graphic design – poster design
pipsqueak – screenplay poster
Poster/Art created for the screenplay, Pipsqueak, about a blind boy that chooses to make a miniature pony his seeing eye dog.

This poster was a full illustration, created to depict the lively characters in the story. Pipsqueak was a confident miniature pony that wanted to prove that he could be a seeing eye dog for his owner. The pose and the emotion behind the drawing was really important to portray this message.

Understanding the story and the background behind the characters was crucial to be able to create this poster. We created the characters entirely based on their description and how they fit into the overall story. Pipsqueak was the main character and the driving force behind everything, so placing him front and center as the largest element on the poster was important. His pose and his expression needed to evoke confidence and determination. The dogs in the background are looking down on Pipsqueak, they don’t think he can do it and they are angry that he is at the training center. This emotion was important to show the hurdles that Pipsqueak would face.