graphic design – logo design
Lifetime Threads – Brand Logo
Logo created for the clothing brand and company, Lifetime Threads, providing uniquely designed clothing.

Lifetime Threads is a clothing brand that utilizes custom designs and unique clothing to provide original products via an online retail shop. The logo was designed to represent the company and also be utilized as the emblem on the clothing, so giving it some movement and keeping it clean was important.


The logo needed to be used as a small emblem on clothing as well as the primary brand identity. Including a needle in the T as well as stitching under “threads” ensured that the brand would be identified as custom clothing and unique apparel. We chose to use red and gray as the colors to give some contrast, as well as represent popular clothing color choices. We also created an alternate version that includes a shirt graphic as well, to be used in certain circumstances.
Lifetime Threads is a clothing line, with products that are custom designed and custom made. The brand is about providing trendy clothing via an online retail shop.