
graphic design – poster design

I’m Sorry, Darby – film poster

Poster created for the emotional drama, I’m Sorry, Darby, about three people’s struggles with addiction and how their lives all intertwine.

This film focuses on 3 characters, all dealing with the effects of drugs and how quickly their lives are spiraling because of them. With connections between each of them, and their own struggles to face, they are all faced with difficult realities. Showing this web of stories and struggles was important to creating this poster.



This poster was all about the emotion and the struggles that each of the main characters faced. We chose to display their photos together, but separate at the same time. The stories are each their own, but they all intertwine and connect to the image of the boy at the top. Placing the photos in an upside down triangle keeps the sense of unease, while also creating a flow down to a singular point as their lives converge.

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