graphic design – logo design
The Institute for Akathisia is a non-profit company that aims to help people with Akathisia as well as further research and prevention. The main goal for the logo was to represent the movement aspect to the disease, while keeping the logo clean and professional.

The Institute for Akathisia is a non-profit company that aims to help people with Akathisia as well as further research and prevention. The main goal for the logo was to represent the movement aspect to the disease, while keeping the logo clean and professional.


This logo needed to look clean and professional, while also showing the main element to the Akathisia disorder, which is an uncontrollable urge to move. With that element, we chose to create a man in motion for the main icon to the logo by adding the movement lines around the figure. Our client asked us to use yellow and gray in the logo to represent darkness to light, so we chose to make those our 2 primary colors for the logo.