graphic design – poster design
A Holiday Homecoming – film poster
Poster created for the family holiday film, A Holiday Homecoming, about an orphanage that burns down and a town that must band together to house the children for the holidays.

This is a family film, about children that lose their home at the orphanage due to a fire and need homes for the holidays. The movie focuses mainly on two siblings and the family that take them in, which is why we chose to feature them on the poster.


This poster features the two siblings and the family that takes them in. The goal was to make it warm and inviting as a family movie, and also bring in the wintery holiday feel. Using the image on the bottom with the snow and the kids establishes the holiday theme as well as the family aspect. Because this film is a spin off film of the show Welcome to Hope, we used a similar title treatment, maintaining the colors to establish that connection.
A Holiday Homecoming is a Gemelli Film production and is currently available to stream on PureFlix. It is a family holiday independent feature film.